To achieve SDG number 3, good health, and well-being, STADA Kenya envisages a world with equitable access to universal health care, and universal access to sexual reproductive health services at all levels, where physical, mental, and social well-being are assured. This is achieved through health promotion, health education, policy developments, community dialogues, and advocacy for the implementation of health policies
By 2030, STADA strives to have built a world where no girl is held back by menstruation. We want to ensure that girls and women menstruate with dignity without discrimination.
It is estimated that one in every five adults is struggling with mental health disorder. This has affected their ability to think, feel and behave appropriately, hence affecting every aspect of their lives including productivity. STADA is cognizant of the effect of mental health disorders on the community and the country at large hence we are trying to bring about change in the smallest way we can by offering counseling services and training community counselors to help us reach the people in the remote areas.
Presently, STADA is partnering with the Kisumu Country and Referral Hospital (KCRH) to implement mental health services. The collaboration cuts across different activities including screening of individuals, conducting health talks and community psychosocial support through outreaches, payment of Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF), conducting home visits, repatriation and reintegration of patients. At the organizational level, the Mental Health staff offers Psychosocial support to staff and beneficiaries, alongside capacity building. STADA also engages students on peer counseling, an activity conducted in sampled schools through a program termed “Serenity Seeker’s Club.”
We are devoted to ensuring non-discriminatory access to Primary Health Care to all at the community level. Our focus is in all the aspects of an individual’s wellbeing including physical, mental and social well-being. PHC is a vital building block to achieving universal health coverage as approximately 80 percent of medical services can be provided at the PHC level.
In this sector we also work with the government and other actors to develop policies that work to improve service delivery in the health sector. An example of such policies is the Kisumu County Primary Health Care Framework that we actively participated in coming up with.
We advocate for quality health for all by:
1. Empowering families to be able to provide for their own health needs and speaking about the barriers to access health services. We also use their views to strike an equilibrium between the supply and demand of health services.
2. Holding leaders accountable for adequately funding health systems, especially primary health care.
3. Spurring innovation around PHC and UHC.
4. Pushing for the implementation of existing policies, to identify gaps in such policies and work together with the county government to develop new policies.
In partnership with key actors in the justice system, STADA ensures that reproductive health rights are integrated into policies. We do this by examining gaps in policies that affect service delivery at the county level and providing recommendations to improve the policies and push for implementation of the existing ones.
We achieve this through:
1. Advocating for the provision of Family Planning commodities in health facilities for easy accessibility by everyone.
2. Attending County public participation in budgeting to ensure allocation of Family Planning commodities in every health facility.
3. Sensitizing the community on the importance of Family Planning while debunking the myths and misconceptions surrounding it.
4. Providing access to Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health education. We have an adolescent center where we meet teenage girls twice a week to improve their physical and emotional well-being. Additionally, the center focuses on ensuring that they remain free from unintended pregnancy, STIs (including HIV/AIDS), and all forms of sexual violence and coercion.
5. To strengthen the enabling environment and coordination of nutrition interventions at the county and sub-county level.